
Mira Reiss  in her works shows an interest for figuration and the imagination. Most of her works can be loosely located within a Neo-expressionist framework like distorted space, figures askew and boosted colors.The artist shows an interest for the psyche of the creator: the inner perambulations and dramas of individuation. The paintings function almost like charts of personal symbolism and significance; to attempt to unravel them is to be drawn in, to find yourself wandering around, a traveler of sorts in a place not quite of this world. Mira Reiss works were exhibited in Canada, United States and in Europe, her native Poland, Italy, France, Great Britain and Netherlands. In 2006 she participated in Biennial of Illustrators in Italy. From this moment she started her collaboration with Teatrio Association based in Venice, Italy. She also writes and illustrates the books for children. Since 2017 she is the member founder of PAAC (Polish Artists Association of Canada).